Kozmetsky House - 1955

Stylistic influence(s): Modern Ranch
Architect/Builder: Page Southerland Page & Roland Gommel Roessner, UT professor
Historic Use: Residence
Current Use: Residence
Historic Use: Residence
Current Use: Residence
Historical designations:
City of Austin Historic Landmark
City of Austin Historic Landmark
Building History
Built by Judge James McClendon and his wife Anne Watt McClendon in 1955 as 905 W. 17th. The city directory for 1960 indicates the address as 909 W. 17th, with Mary A. McClendon as the resident owner. James W. McClendon is listed in the city directory in 1965.
Purchased by the Kozmetsky family in 1966. George Kozmetsky, UT Business School Dean (1966-82), mentored his student/protégé Michael Dell in the library as Dell hatched his original business plan.
Significant Persons Associated with Building
1955-1966: Judge James McClendon
1966-2003: Ronya and George Kozmetsky
Built by Judge James McClendon and his wife Anne Watt McClendon in 1955 as 905 W. 17th. The city directory for 1960 indicates the address as 909 W. 17th, with Mary A. McClendon as the resident owner. James W. McClendon is listed in the city directory in 1965.
Purchased by the Kozmetsky family in 1966. George Kozmetsky, UT Business School Dean (1966-82), mentored his student/protégé Michael Dell in the library as Dell hatched his original business plan.
Significant Persons Associated with Building
1955-1966: Judge James McClendon
1966-2003: Ronya and George Kozmetsky